If you have substantial Yoga teaching experience, Yoga Philosophy and Yoga studies, with a firm grasp that underpins your practice and your teaching and wish to gain a World Yoga Organisation International Registration, we look at each case individually under Special Consideration criteria. Please note that the process for this type of application is not always successful as we have strict rules in place in order to maintain high standard of safety and quality teaching for all.

    Razor pay Link of 5000/-

    Essential Documentation and fees

    - Please forward your Yoga related Resume and past experience.
    - Include a recommendation letter from your current employer or Yoga Master.
    - Submit a short account, of your Yoga teaching experience and why teaching yoga and being WYO International Teacher is important to you.
    - Provide a Copy or detailed description of your Yoga syllabus, philosophy and diplomas (if applicable)

    Once, you are notified that your documents have been reviewed by the panel team and approved, you can send affiliation fee for a life-time Registration and certification by World Yoga Organisation International.
    All WYO Certificates are issued in India only after full payment has been received by World Yoga Organisation Bank in India. Payments are to be made directly to World Yoga Organisation online or through bank transfer.


    This legal agreement is a statement of acceptable legal and professional etiquette by which all International Yoga teachers agree to abide by. It is not intended to replace the ethics of any school but is to be a basis for yoga principles. As a WYO International Yoga teacher, I agree the following terms and conditions:

    • Conduct myself in a professional and moralistic approach.
    • Explore my skills and realm of practice and when needed, Refer the new students to our registered international schools.
    • Honour the ambiguity and personal possession of all students while supporting difference by respecting students regardless of age, gender, nation,
    sexual orientation or religion.
    • Avoid unprofessional behavior.
    • Track down the ancient yoga principles as written in the Yamas and Niyamas.
    • Track down all country-wide and neighboring laws that apply to yoga teaching and enterprise.
    • Maintain a healthy atmosphere in daily yoga practice.