Upcoming month masterclass on AYURVEDA & YOGA THERAPY
padachatushtya , acidity and constipation, fever, janpadudhavns
RHYTHMIC POWER YOGA SHIKSHA SAMITI in Indore stands best Yoga academy in Indore on providing TTC-Teacher Training Programs in Madya Pradesh.
Pregnancy Yoga & Garbhasanskar Exclusively for Doctors
Three in one certificate course of pregnancy yoga & garbhashankar exclusively for doctors
Parental Postnatal Yoga & Garbhashankar
50hrs international certificate Teachers training course on parental postnatal yoga & garbhashankar
Boost Your Immunity
Learn to breath right and boost your immunity yogic breathing, pranayama, bhramari, kapalbahati, anuloma viloma.
Nafas Yoga
World Yoga Organisation® International School NAFAS YOGA in Tehran. New Launch of World Yoga Organisation®TTC Program. Thank you
Yoga unites the mind, body, soul in a way that eases tension and promots health and well being. Take a break from daily life in order to focus on yourself and get clarity.
Prem sir and Fitness
A complete ladies fitness and wellness center,yoga,Arial yoga, Acro yoga, Advance yoga, Areobics, zumba, Gym, Anc pnc and Personal training.